At last the new page is up on the web site for some of my soft sculpture mohair bears, as the site now reflects our multi media art and not just the jewellery I thought it would be nice to have a page with some of my bears. I had to stop making my soft sculpture after an accident, my wrist would no longer take the strain any more it was a great sadness to me as I loved creating my own designs and dying the mohair and alpaca that I used. The bears I put on the web site are all Teddy type bears.
I especially loved making my Kermode bears, they stood between 20" & 24" I hand shaded them. I have added a picture of a Kermode that I considered to be one of the best, I made these to commission only so I no longer have him.
My Dragonslair Bears appeared in many magazines internationally and also a Lark Book. I do still make the occasional bear not the large ones I loved making though. Now I mainly enjoy making needlefelted tiny bears and animals.
At least I never get bored how can one be bored with so many things to design and make, with new things to learn, every day brings a new challenge, renewed interest, so much to look at the leaves turning such wonderful colours as the autumn draws on. A hedgehog appeared at the back door a couple of days ago, they will soon be curled up and hibernating but with the mild weather we will see them around for a bit longer.