Magda is my bead soup partner she lives in Poland, her English is good while my Polish is non existent but that has not stopped us communicating and I would like to show you the lovely selection of beads Magda sent me. The beautiful clasp and wire wrapped beads Magda made especially for me, I feel so honoured they are lovely. I have tried to use as many of the components in my necklace as possible, I just can't let you see it yet lol.

Oh wow, that clasp is something else!
Can't wait to see your necklace :o)
Interesting assortment of goodies! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
What are you going to do at 100 followers I'm at 97....
I'm debating ripping the scarf back and starting over as I've changed the way I'm knitting the edge... and I don't like the way the scarf looks at the beginning... But the beads will all be in the right place so it will probably only take an hour or two to get back to where I am now!
Hi, thanks for stopping by at my blog! Its great to hear from you, looking forward to seeing what you make with your bead soup! I missed the start of it and am hoping to join in next time round, it's a fantastic idea!
Deb x
Nice work, great clasp, very unique design.
Lucky you to have such a great far away and so generous.
wonderful idea, and amazingly creative outcome.:)
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